How Whistler is different than other software. Whistler has a different approach to handling the challenges that your small business face. The typical business software groups all of your estimates, invoices, and finances by your customer. Whistler groups all of your estimates, invoices, and financials by the Job.
Why? How does that help you? As a service business you have several jobs you’ve done for your customer. You are not necessarily interested in seeing a gigantic list of invoices on job “A” when you’re working on job “B”. You are curious about how much money you’ve made on job “B”! How much profit did you make on job “B”? How many hours did your employee spend on job “B”? With your old business software that could be difficult to find out. But with Whistler everything is organized around your job. It is very easy to see how much profit was in job “B”. Just open the Job Screen and all your estimates, invoices, payments, credits, employee hours and billable items are at your finger tips!
Whistler was built from the ground up to support your jobs. Our roots are as general contractors in the home building industry. We understand that profits are made and lost on the job. So our goal was to build business software that would give you the advantage. Whenever you create an estimate, invoice, expense or track employee hours you select a job. Whistler can give you important information to make the right decisions that lead to your success. Perhaps you can afford to pay your employees overtime to wrap that job up quicker. Perhaps you can discount a change order. Customers are great. But the money is made on the job.
Here is kinda how it works